Planning a trip to Turkey or want to talk to Turkish family and friends? – you’ll need to learn some Turkish phrases to get started speaking. Turkey is a great country to visit. Flights to Istanbul and other parts of the country are cheap and can make for an excellent adventure. What’s more is that […]
Difference Between Simplified and Traditional Chinese
Chinese is one of the most complex languages in the world. For non-native speakers, it can be a challenge to learn and wrap their heads around all of the intricacies of the language. However, Chinese is a vital language for every organization that wants to expand its global presence. This is because it has over […]
7 Free Tools For Translators to Increase Quality and Productivity
Important Tools for Translators Translation tools have been around for a while now. However, it seems like not all translators use or are aware of the existence of these tools. Most of these tools are used by professional companies offering translation services. Translation tools are vital for translators to obtain quality content. These programs are […]
Translation Vaccination Certificates
COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard. Governments and institutions employed safety precautions to curb the spread of the virus. One of the safety protocols put in place was having negative test results when entering the country. It is a requirement today that you provide a negative PCR test result at the airport before getting in […]
How to say Hello in 30 Languages
Did you know there are more than 6000 living languages today? With almost 200 countries in the world and thousands of languages spoken, saying “Hello” is a basic and important thing in each of them. If you’ve ever visited a foreign country where you don’t know the language, you can attest to how important learning […]
What to look for when selecting your translation service provider
Not everyone is an experienced professional translator. It is a demanding field that requires great commitment and natural talent because, as a translator, you must constantly produce perfectly translated texts. As a translator, you must have the right linguistic and subject matter expertise no matter the project. Here we will look into different dimensions when […]
What to Look For When Selecting a Translation Service Provider
In a globalized world, translation services have become the backbone of modern business. To make it even better, it’s not just the businesses that require translation services. From people immigrating to different parts of the globe to authors who want to publish their books in other languages, the need for translation services is growing daily. […]
How Do Animals Sound In Different Languages?
What sound does a dog make in English? How about the same in Italian or Japanese? Dogs might sound the sale all over the world. However, you might be surprised to find out that animal noises are different in different languages. Animals might not be multilingual but the people describing the sounds they make are […]
What Language Does Switzerland Speak?
For people in most countries, the question is easy. However, when you get to Switzerland, things get a little complicated and some explaining has to be done. In Switzerland, the question is supposed to be, what languages does the country speak. This is already an indication that there are more than one languages in Switzerland. […]
The Hardest Languages in The World To Learn
Today, technology has turned the world into a global village. As such, you can interact with people from different parts of the world. However, there is the matter of language barrier that may lead to conversations hitting a snug. Many people resort to learning new languages to better communicate with people from other parts of […]