We asked some Canadian students what Greek sounds like to them. We started by playing them audio from a clip of a Greek TV show. Then we asked them to guess which language was in the sample played to them. After a few guesses of mainly Spanish or Portuguese I gave them visual clues from the video so they could see the script and ethnicity of the people in the sample video. Most of them quickly answered Greek when they recognized the Greek alphabet.
Finally, we asked them to imitate what they have heard for native Greek speakers to hear what their language sounds like to foreigners. This segment took some convincing because the subjects did not want to offend anyone or seem racist. Therefore please do not blame them if you are offended, we asked them to do it and most of them did it reluctantly.
Source: Heritage Inmoshun https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWXx2nkpOrbbn9DVs1ymjw
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